Muscle building basics

Muscle building basics | Everything you need to get started

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Are you a newbie who wants to begin gaining muscle mass but is unsure of where to begin? How to exercise, what to eat, and which supplements to take? Look no further; the answers to your most pressing issues are provided in this handbook. We’ll emphasize the key points so you can begin building muscle the right way!

Nutrition | The most important factor in muscle growth

The first and most crucial factor you should pay attention to if you are serious about gaining muscle mass is, of course, your food. No matter how much time we spend exercising or how well we perform each activity, 70–80% of the process is determined by our diet.

How many calories ought I to consume?
We must consume more calories than we expend in order to gain muscular growth. Simply said, we must eat more calories than our bodies require.

In general, a 75 kg active adult male should consume around 3000 calories per day to gain muscle, whereas a 50 kg active adult woman should take about 2400 calories per day.

To make a computation that is more precise, you must first determine your metabolic rate (BMR) and

There are three main body types, thus it is important to note that each individual is unique.

Ectomorph: An ectomorph is naturally thin, with narrow shoulders and a tiny waist. As a result, you may have a higher metabolism and should thus take more calories overall, particularly from carbs.

Endomorph: You can be an endomorph if you are naturally large in stature and have broad shoulders and a narrow waist. Endomorphs often have a slower metabolism and require fewer calories, therefore they should eat fewer carbs to prevent storing too much fat.

Mesomorph: You could be a mesomorph if you’re fortunate, have broad shoulders, and a tiny waist. This body type puts on muscular mass readily while maintaining a regular metabolism.


The time has come to discuss the macronutrients, often known as macros, which are the second most crucial component of our nutrition now that we have our calorie intake under control. Three essential nutrients make up our diet: protein, carbs, and lipids. Since each of these three elements has many advantages, a balance between them is necessary to optimize our outcomes. We need to provide our body with the macronutrients it needs in order to maximize our results.

The following macronutrients are typically recommended for an active 75 kg male adult:

Energy: 3000

Body weight divided by two equals 160 g of protein and 640 calories.

Fat: About 20 to 30 percent of daily calories, or 700 calories and 77 g of fat.

Carbs: The remaining calories, or 415 g of carbohydrates (3000 700 640 = 1660 calories).

Vitamins, minerals, fiber, water

The ingestion of fiber, vitamins, and minerals is another crucial factor. These control our metabolism and aid in keeping a healthy body by ensuring that everything functions as it should. Water consumption is also crucial. To function properly and prevent dehydration, you should consume at least 2-3 liters of water each day. Don’t forget that water makes up 77% of our muscles!

How many times a day should i eat?

Meal frequency should be the next consideration. In order to ensure that your body receives the critical nutrients it needs at any time of day, you should typically consume between 4-6 meals each day, spaced out across 3–4 hours.

Which food should I eat?
Make sure each meal includes a sizable dose of protein, carbohydrates, ideally wholegrain, healthy fats, veggies, and fruits to make things easier.

Begin each day with a hearty breakfast (eg oats, milk, honey, egg whites).
Continue your day by eating often and sensibly (eg brown rice, lean meat, olive oil, salad, fruit).
After exercising, choose a combination of fat-free, quick-absorbing carbohydrates and protein (e.g. protein shake with honey and 1 banana or a protein shake with dextrose and protein).
proceed with balance

Do I need to take supplements?

Unfortunately, there is a lot of false information concerning supplements in the fitness market.

I have heard many ridiculous things regarding supplements during the years that I have been interested in fitness. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of misconceptions and false beliefs about what supplements are and how they work even today.

What they are called supplements is what they are. They serve as a replacement for any nutritional inadequacies we may have that cannot be met by actual food.

For instance, whey protein can be utilized as a protein supplement if we are unable to get the appropriate amount of protein from everyday meals like meat and eggs. A multivitamin is also necessary in my opinion, as it is quite challenging to obtain all the necessary vitamins naturally.


It’s time to speak about training now that we know how to structure our diet to optimize our outcomes. Training is undoubtedly a crucial component of our body’s ability to gain muscle. It is useful to know how the exercise makes our muscles grow and get stronger before we begin.

Our bodies are harmed when we are training. Small lesions are produced in our muscle fibers when we lift weights. In actuality, the goal of exercise is to “destroy” our muscles. Therefore, following exercise, our body begins to repair the muscle fibers that were injured, which activates protein synthesis. In order for our muscles to withstand the demanding workouts we undergo, they must be healed, strengthened, and improved during recuperation. Simply said, the procedure

How many repetitions should I do?

The repetitions set option is the next item to be aware of. When hypertrophy is our aim, we must work within the range of 8–12 repetitions, and the set must last 40–60 seconds. In order to do this, the positive phase should last for roughly one second and the negative phase for two to three seconds.

How much weight should I lift?

You must select a weight that enables you to complete the repetitions with proper form. After the final repeat, you fail and are unable to complete another iteration.

Avoid overloading your muscles by lifting less weight than you are capable of. More weight being lifted with the aid of the body is risky and lessens the benefits of exercise.

How many exercises and how many sets should I do?

Unfortunately, most novices make the worst error of overdoing the workouts and sets. On the Internet, there are several programs that have an excessively high training volume and target extremely seasoned practitioners rather than beginners. In reality, a beginner doesn’t need to perform six exercises in four sets to reach every breast-related angle. For each muscle group, performing simply two exercises with three to four sets each can produce considerably greater results. This is due to the fact that a beginner’s body doesn’t require as many sets to adapt and start building muscular growth. Overdoing it as a beginner will cause more harm than benefit.

Imagine that we are about to go swimming for the first time this season.

How long should I workout?

Another crucial component is the training’s duration. Keep in mind that our purpose at the gym is to work out, not to sit down and chat with a friend. Leave the chat for the cafe after your workout. The interval between sets for resting is crucial. If our objective is hypertrophy, we shouldn’t let the break to go more than one or two minutes.

Additionally, the workout shouldn’t go longer than an hour. This is because the longer the workout, the more cortisol, a hormone that promotes catabolism, rises in our blood, which is something we want to maintain low.


Congratulations. You now understand what’s crucial while trying to fast, accurately, and safely increase your muscle mass. We’ll give you a quick rundown of everything you should know. You may write them down or print them out so you always know what to look for.

Increase your calorie intake.
Be aware of your weight. Every month, you ought to acquire roughly 1 kilogram. Increase the calorie intake if the process stalls.
Your diet need to be balanced in terms of protein, carbs, and fats.
Pick lean meat, whole grain products, and healthy fats.
Increase your vegetable intake, and drink a lot of water.
Every 3 to 4 hours, eat 4-6 times each day.
Supplements can only be effective if we are eating properly.

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